The Porto Cesareo MPA, instituted by the Ministry of the Environment with a Decree dated 12/12/97, is a Marine Reserve of the State. The Public Body responsible of the MPA is a Consortium constituted by the Municipalities of Porto Cesareo and Nardò, with the Province of Lecce. The MPA is the unique State Marine Reserve of Salento and the biggest of Apulia region. The institutive purposes of the MPA are the protection of the sea environment, the promotion of an eco-compatible social-economic development, the realization of environment educational projects for interested people without age limit as well as promotion and realization of projects of scientific research. In the marine protected area by the Porto Cesareo, there are three marine SCIs (sites of Common Importance). In 2011, the Porto Cesareo MPA has been included in the ASPIM list.
Description of Personnel Involved in the Project
Remì Calasso

President of Marine Protected Area of Porto Cesareo since 2013.

ambrosioPaolo D'Ambrosio

Director of Marine Protected Area of Porto Cesareo (Le). He graduated in Biology, and he has a PhD in design of marine protected area's network, using quantitative tools. He collaborates in the research activities with the CoNISMa, about conservation of marine environment and design and management of MPAs. He is experienced in submarine habitats mapping using Side Scan Sonar, Multibeam and GIS systems, and he is expert in the Spatial Analysis.

muscogiuriLuciana Muscogiuri

Works in the Marine Protected Area of Porto Cesareo (Le). She graduated in Biology, and she has a PhD in Environmental Education. She is experienced with projecting and management of European and national project. She is experienced also in the programs of Environmental Education for child, adult and stakeholders in general. She is experienced in submarine habitats mapping using Side Scan Sonar, Multibeam and GIS systems. She has been involved in numerous projects for management and monitoring of protected habitats.
Contact Details
Official address: Consorzio di Gestione Area Marina Protetta Porto Cesareo, Via Cosimo Albano, SNC, 73010 Porto Cesareo-LECCE
T: +390833560144  F: +390833859105, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  W:

Contact person responsible for the organisation of the project’s work (the coordinator): Name: Luciana Muscogiuri E:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Us

ADRIPLAN aims to deliver a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the Adriatic-Ionian region, considered as a whole and more specifically through two Focus Areas (Northern Adriatic Sea; Southern Adriatic / Northern Ionian Sea).